Understanding Inflammatory Back Pain

Inflammatory Back Pain

It is estimated that between 60 to 80 percent of the U.S. population experience back pain. It is one of the primary reasons why people call in sick from work and require disability. For some, back pain is only a one-time occurrence. For others, it is a chronic problem that can last up to three months at a time. We will discuss inflammatory back pain.

Back pain is divided into two categories: mechanical back pain and inflammatory back pain. Mechanical back pain comes as a result of a structural change in the vertebrates, spinal joints or soft tissue. Inflammatory back pain is not the result of a mechanical defect, but instead as the result of an autoimmune disorder that can lead to inflammatory arthritis.

Inflammatory Back Pain

Keep in mind that inflammatory back pain is a symptom of a greater condition. It stems from the inflammation of vertebrates, spinal joints and entheses. Some of the indications of inflammatory back pain include the following:

  • Back pain that lasts more than three months.
  • Back pain that begins when a person is in their 30’s.
  • A family history of inflammatory back pain.
  • Reduction in pain when using non-steriodal, anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition to these symptoms, if a person is currently experiencing back pain and in the past has had autoimmune conditions such as psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease or peripheral joint inflammation, it is likely that their back pain is a result from the inflammation.

If a patient describes the pain as a throbbing, gnawing or deep pain, this is an indication that the pain has an inflammatory source inside the spine. This type of back pain does not improve with rest. Its symptoms are the most severe during the first 30 minutes after a person gets up from laying down.

What Causes Inflammatory Back Pain?

There’s not definitive test for conditions that can lead to inflammatory back pain. In fact, some arthritic conditions that lead to inflammatory back pain have their start in other parts of the body. The same inflammatory conditions might affect a person’s skin, eyes, urinary tract, intestines, bowels and joints.

If you suffer from chronic back pain and suspect that it could be caused by an inflammatory disorder, contact us today. We specialize in treating inflammatory disorders, and can accurately diagnose what is causing your back pain. Once we diagnose your disorder, our talented team of doctors can begin devising a treatment plan to meet your individual needs. Contact us with the link below for more information!

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