Tips on How to Manage Gout Flare-Ups

How to Manage Gout Flare-Ups

Few things in life are more painful than a Gout flare-up. Therefore, if you wake up in the middle of the night with a joint that is tender, swollen, red and radiating heat, you will want to act fact. We have put together a few tips on how to manage Gout flare-ups.

How to Manage Gout Flare-Ups

Take Your Medication

Begin treatment immediately with over the counter ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or naproxen (Aleve). However, never take aspirin, as this can worsen a flare-up.

If you have had an attack before and your doctor at AOCBV has prescribed an anti-inflammatory medication to take in the event of another, take your prescribed medication as directed.

Get Your Rest

While exercise is essential to improve the mobility of the affected joints and reduce weight, rest is necessary during a flare-up. This is because your pain is essentially the result of uric acid crystal build up in your joints. When you move your joints, your joints are moving against the crystals, which causes the pain.

In addition, you can elevate your foot while resting. Raise your foot with pillows so that it is higher than your chest as this may help lessen swelling.

Apply Ice

It may help to ease pain and inflammation by applying an ice pack to the painful joint.

Wrap the ice pack in a dish cloth and apply it to the area for 20 to 30 minutes at a stretch several times a day.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Staying hydrated helps flush out uric acid. Additionally, it assists in preventing kidney stones, another possible problem associated with high uric acid levels.

Try to drink 8 to 16 cups of fluids a day, at least half of them water.

Avoid Alcohol

While it may be tempting to have a drink to relax when you are in pain, it is imperative to avoid alcohol, particularly beer. Beer contains high levels of purines, which when your body metabolizes, it creates uric acid.

Furthermore, alcohol inhibits the excretion of uric acid from your body.

Call Your AOCBV Doctor

Contact us here at AOCBV if you are experiencing a Gout flare-up. We may prescribe a new medication or have you come into our office for a joint fluid test or an injection to relieve inflammation.

It is essential to seek treatment within the first 24 hours of the start of a Gout attack to lessen its strength and severity.

These are just a few tips on how to manage Gout flare-ups. Contact us with the link below for more information or to schedule an appointment today!

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