Am I a Candidate for PRP Therapy?

Am I a Candidate for PRP Therapy?

Ideal candidates for PRP therapy have mild to moderate ligament issues, tennis elbow or calcification. During your consultation appointment, one of our trained medical professionals will evaluate your injury and determine if PRP therapy is right for you. We will answer the question, “Am I a Candidate for PRP Therapy?”

Am I a Candidate for PRP Therapy?

What is PRP Therapy?

When soft tissue damage occurs, your body’s first response is to send platelet cells to the site of injury. These cells contain growth and healing factors that initiate repair and attract stem cells. Adding additional PRP cells to the site of injury through PRP therapy helps intensify and speed up the body’s healing efforts. Therefore, this increases the concentration of platelets and growth factors by 500%.

PRP therapy is platelet-rich plasma therapy, which is an injection procedure. It utilizes the power of a patient’s own concentrated platelet-rich plasma and growth factors to assist and speed up the healing of orthopedic problems.

What Conditions Does PRP Therapy Commonly Treat?

PRP therapy is common for conditions affecting the following:

  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Shoulders
  • Wrists/Hands
  • Elbows
  • Ankles/Feet

So, Are You a Candidate for PRP Therapy?

Firstly, your health will determine whether PRP is right for you. Individuals with certain types of blood disorders, skin issues or liver disorders are not ideal candidates for PRP therapy. In addition, taking some medications might affect your ability to receive PRP therapy.

You may be a candidate for PRP therapy if you have any of the following:

  • Tendon pain that affects your activities of daily living
  • Physical therapy has not helped to reduce pain or improve joint function
  • Medications are not providing adequate pain relief and you would like to avoid long term medication use
  • You would like to avoid surgery if possible


These are just the basics of PRP therapy with AOCBV. For more information or to schedule your PRP therapy with our doctors, contact us with the link below today!

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