Bursitis vs. Tendinitis: What’s the Difference?

Bursitis vs. Tendinitis

Bursitis and Tendinitis both can cause discomfort and pain, and make it difficult for you to perform certain activities. Bursitis and Tendinitis also tend to become worse as you age. Many people mistakenly choose to “wait and see” if these conditions improve. However, they don’t tend to improve without some form of intervention. Bursitis and Tendinitis are similar conditions. Therefore, we will discuss Bursitis vs. Tendinitis to better help you understand the difference between these two conditions.

Bursitis vs. Tendinitis

Bursitis and Tendinitis describe conditions that cause inflammation within the tissue that connects structures like bones and muscles together. These conditions differ in which tissues of the body they affect.

Bursitis mostly occurs in the bursae, small sacs filled with fluid. Bursae help to protect your bones and joints from shock and wear-related damage. These sacs may become inflamed while performing their normal functions. This causes Bursitis.

Conversely, Tendinitis affects the tendons, or tissues that connect muscles and bone. Your tendons may become torn from use, or damaged due to a decreased flexibility that comes naturally with age.

Bursitis and Tendinitis can both develop in multiple areas of your body. However, they tend to develop most commonly in your knees, fingers, shoulders and feet. If these conditions persist, they will generally become worse.

What Causes Bursitis vs. Tendinitis?

There are many factors that can cause Bursitis and Tendinitis to develop. Acute trauma can occur as a result of damage and the repair process.

Older individuals may acquire these conditions due to changes in the body. Tissues tend to become less flexible with age. This means that Bursitis and Tendinitis may present themselves as the result of everyday activities.

Bursitis is unique in that conditions such as obesity and endocrine complications tend to promote it.

Risk Factors for Bursitis vs. Tendinitis

Individuals face an increased risk of developing Bursitis and Tendinitis if the are any of the following:

  • Over the age of 40
  • Tend to partake in repetitious exercises or work
  • Are overweight or inactive
  • Have problems affecting the kidneys or liver
  • Show symptoms associated with other conditions like Gout or Arthritis

Managing Bursitis vs. Tendinitis

Both conditions are treatable. However, treatment tends to be more effective if you seek it early. Conditions like Bursitis and Tendinitis tend to involve damage that will progressively worsen while creating scar tissue.

The first step to treating Bursitis and Tendinitis is to undergo physical therapy. This will help your body’s natural repair processes to reduce the severity of these conditions. The next step is to undergo lifestyle changes. These may include the following:

  • alterations in your diet
  • seeking more physical activity
  • focusing on stress reduction

If these measures do not improve your condition, you may have to undergo surgical intervention. It is worth noting that surgery cannot cure the causes of these conditions. It can only aid in treating the symptoms. Therefore, it is essential to take every step in recovering from Bursitis and Tendinitis.

If you are having difficulty managing your Bursitis or Tendinitis or have questions about treatment options, contact us today. Our trained doctors can provide a customized treatment plan to meet your needs, or point you in the right direction.

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